Please make sure you have the latest version of the LA Wallet app installed as a new version was released on January 7, 2025.
In order to link your Louisiana vehicle registration to LA Wallet you must first create an LA Wallet account and link your Louisiana driver's license or state ID to that account. Next, tap the "My Vehicles" card on the Home tab and tap "Find My Vehicle(s)". Once your information is found, tap "Dismiss" to view your vehicle registration(s).
If you have any partial matches to your license, tap "Verify Ownership" to complete the verification process. If it's still not found, tap "Submit Support Request" and use both the "Scan Registration" and "Take Photo" options for further assistance with any vehicle registration related issues.
If there are no registrations found, please email with the following information:
- Subject Line: Vehicle Registration Support Request
- reason for your request
- clear picture of the front of your most recently issued license/ID
- clear picture of your most recent physical vehicle registration