To add your license/ID, go to the home screen and tap the Add License button. Tap the "Scan License Barcode" button at the top to scan the barcode on the back of your license/ID for best verification. (Note: Do not use the Scan button on the bottom menu when trying to add your license/ID. This will only scan the ID for verification and not actually add the license/ID to your account).
LA Wallet will only work with your most recently issued driver's license or state ID. If you have purchased a duplicate or renewed your license/ID, you are given a new audit number. LA Wallet requires that you use the most recent audit number.
If you are still unable to add your license/ID after following the above directions, please email with your full name, the email address used for LA Wallet, and your driver's license/ID number and we can look it up on our side and see where the issue may be.